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Parent Workshops

As Mums ourselves, we are passionate about supporting future generations and families with their mental-health and wellbeing. We understand with great compassion the demands on both parents and children in our modern society. With over 30 years combined experience in the education sector we understand the challenges facing young people and their families and how this has evolved over the past decade. We are aware that it is estimated in the UK that one in six children have a diagnosable mental health condition, rising from one in ten children, pre 2020 according to various national statistics. We understand the worry this is causing parents and the demand on services for therapeutic interventions is at an all-time high. When working with young people we use a range of strategies to engage clients on an individual basis, including, talking therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, Lego® therapy and educational coaching strategies. We believe in tailoring therapy for children and adolescents and working alongside families to provide parents with support at the same time.

Our therapists have a vast amount of experience working with children and parents with varying needs, including medical and SEND diagnosis. We aim to offer an inclusive practice and welcome children and families from all backgrounds.


Contact for one to one therapy

For further information regarding one to one therapy and education sessions for children andadolescents please contact our therapists via our sister site at Abundance TEC Ltd,


Common areas for children in therapy include but are not limited to:

Body image
Eating habits
Exam stress
Family dynamics
Friendship issues
Low Mood
Separation anxiety
Social anxiety

Look out for our parent workshops and events!


Get in Touch

Whether you want to find out more about our services, or book in a session fill out our contact form and we will be in touch!


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